We are halfway through October and thankfully our fearless leader is back from Italy.
This week, Zara and I caught up over snacks before the Youth Leadership Meeting. Zara got to inform me on all the adventures (and one mis-adventure) or her time in Italy with her son and daughter in law, making me quite jealous of the picturesque experience and amazing food she got to tell me all about. I caught her up on how things went with her being away and me in charge of the meetings (nothing caught fire) and school/work/life balance.

At the Youth Leadership Meeting we were informed by James that we are one step closer to
bringing our services into juvenile justice programs where we can inform the youth there of the services we offer when they transition out of those spaces. James invited both Zara and I to the next meeting at the end of October, where we plan to present what we will be discussing with the youth and how those discussions will take place.

We also focused on troubleshooting how to get more people involved in the meetings in general, since so many of us have opposing work schedules. It was decided that we will try having the meetings on Saturdays at 1pm at Aroma Cafe, instead of our usual Wednesdays at 4:30. While I work during this time, some of the youth who want to be more involved do not, so I will be getting information from the meetings at another point either by Zara or James. In this way, the hope is for more participation from more youth seeking to become community leaders themselves.

Cheers to tomorrow’s leaders,