A list of resources for housing options INSIDE Marin

  • Temporary motel stays

  • Room in a home

  • Apartment with Peers

  • Next Door online community

  • Airbnb (in development)

  • Gilead House  (Single Mom’s)

  • Center for Domestic Peace
    (temporary stay from an abusive relationship)

  • Shelter


What is an AHO Host Family? 

Host families volunteer to assist a homeless youth ages 18 to 25, served by AHO, to stabilize and reconnect to the community. Byy offering a room in their home for 2 months or, up to 6 months allows a youth to begin a job (if they aren’t already working) and focus on a securing stable housing and working toward their educational and life goals. All families have the 24/7 support of AHO in this process.

Youth Characteristics

AHO youth come to AHO with certain characeristics resulting from their histories of neglect, abuse and abandonment. They may display learned helplessness; delayed emotional development; concentration and focus challenges; PTSD; anxiety and depression; and distrust of adults and mainstream institutions. They are not mentally ill or drug/alcohol addicted.