We have the Gold Seal of transparency in the Guidestar Directory of non-profits. 

Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency 2020
Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency 2020
We have the Gold Seal of transparency in the Guidestar Directory of non-profits.

Join Annabelle, age 8 and donate to AHO.

AHO’s Youngest FUNraiser

At only 8 years of age, Annabelle wanted to help youth less fortunate. She had an idea, and brought together her friends and made knitted necklaces. Then she set up a booth in front of her house and sold these necklaces as a fundraiser for AHO. Here she is presenting the donations she raised to Zara.

If you would like to help AHO in its mission, please consider making a donation today. You can call us at 415/381-7173 or donate online securely using PayPal ‘Make a Donation’ button below.

If you would like to donate to a specific program or a specific purpose (e.g. holiday/birthday gift certificates), please include this information in the Notes section on PayPal ‘Make a Donation’ button below. Your message will be sent directly to Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity.


Click below to make a one-time donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or you can specify the amount.


You can also make a monthly donation with your Credit Card or PayPal account.
You will be billed monthly and you are free to cancel at any time.

Click here to make a $10 monthly donation
Click here to make a $25 monthly donation
Click here to make a $50 monthly donation
Click here to make a $100 monthly donation
Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity relies on the generous donations of people like you to operate our programs. Your donation to AHO can open the door to a future of hope and opportunity for a heathy and fulfilling future for all youth.
AHO is a 501 (c) (3)
nonprofit organization.
Your donation is tax deductible.
Tax ID #47-0950196
How to Donate on Amazon