Featured Youth Story – Julian [Read More]
After losing my mother when I was merely twelve years old, I moved out of my fathers house a few years before I turned eighteen. I spent many years “couch surfing”, bouncing around from friends to friends, and from one girl’s house to another. I even slept in my car on many cold nights where I was left with no other options. I struggled to keep up with bare necessities such as laundry and basic hygiene. However, I was far from your stereotypical homeless young man. On the contrary, running into me back then on the street, you might not even identify me as such, in contrast to the arduous situation I truly was under. However, this situation caused me many perils in life such as dropping out of college, due to the embarrassment of showing up to class without being able to shower that morning, surrounded by wealthy, upper-class Marinites.
Featured Youth Story – Morgan [Read More]
Growing up my life was unstable but as I got older my life started spinning more and more out of control. I struggled with mental illness, abusive relationships, and drug addiction for years which led me to lose everything and sleeping in a tent, or on the sidewalk. I was lost in life and kept looking for help in all the wrong places until I was introduced to Zara, the founder and executive director of Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity (AHO) nonprofit organization. Zara has been a constant support for the past 4 years helping me not only get back on my feet but become a stronger, and more confident woman than I was before. In my family I was never able to count on anyone, so having trust in others has not been an easy thing for me. However, since I’ve been with AHO, I’ve been shown, time and time again, that I could count on them to be there for me in court and in life.
Growing up my life was unstable but as I got older my life started spinning more and more out of control. I struggled with mental illness, abusive relationships, and drug addiction for years which led me to lose everything and sleeping in a tent, or on the sidewalk. I was lost in life and kept looking for help in all the wrong places until I was introduced to Zara, the founder and executive director of Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity (AHO) nonprofit organization. Zara has been a constant support for the past 4 years helping me not only get back on my feet but become a stronger, and more confident woman than I was before.
My name is Elisa and I’m 23 years old. When I first arrived in the United States in 2014, I was very young and by myself. I was living with my cousins and was sleeping in the living room. I noticed that there were a lot of people living in the apartment. For that reason, I decided that I needed to move out because I felt as if I was unable to concentrate on my studies and work. I had a goal of pursuing higher education and felt as if I had no guidance or support. Arriving in the U.S I wanted to become independent but was not familiarized on how to make the first move to pursue it. When I found Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity (AHO) at College of Marin (COM) and told Zara, the founder and executive director about my situation, AHO immediately took me under their wing and helped me.
I first became homeless when I left an abusive relationship with a man I planned to marry. We met and lived in San Francisco. After dealing with years of abuse, I had the courage to leave. what services were available. 211 guided me to Homeward Bound and AHO. [Read More]
My name is Jesus, and I am 21. I work with a wonderful organization by the name of Ambassadors of Hope and Opportunity (AHO), the only nonprofit in Marin helping homeless youth ages 18 to 25 like me. [Read More]
Larkin was 22 years old, and a full-time Sociology Major at College of Marin (COM), when we first met. She was working over 30 hours weekly at Starbucks where her shift began at 4:30 in the morning. Larkin was totally self-supporting and managing her entire life on her own…
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After my first semester at COM, I experienced rough times. Basic expenses to live in Marin were much above my financial ability; so much so, I got to the point of almost dropping out of college. I didn’t see how I would be able to keep going since I couldn’t pay for my dental care needs… [Read More]
When I was sixteen years old, I contacted law enforcement due to the abuse that was going on at home. Contacting the authorities left me without a home and a family.
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The AHO organization is very unique because they actually help! They are very dedicated to helping youth and really follow through with everything they say they are going to do for you. [Read More]
Being a homeless youth, my counselor referred me to Zara, AHO’s Founder for help. Zara met me within a day after my call, and has been helping me so much with many things right from the first day we met..[Read More]
Guitarist and singer Nick Petty understands the positive impact that music can make on people. Music is one of the ways he pulled himself together after a troubled youth that included depression, addiction and brief incarceration…
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Today, with AHO as a foundation, I am continuing to build my confidence (my peers call me the butterfly), and I now know that I can achieve my personal life goals and create the future I want for myself. AHO was there for me and believed in me when I needed it most. [Read More]
Calling AHO for help is something I will forever remember. It did more to and for me on my path of healing and reaching my dreams because of AHO. I was treated like an intelligent, capable young man with many gifts to share with the world.
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My life goal is to continue with my career in the medical field, which I now know I can do. As my life continues to get on track, I want to be part of the AHO Youth Team to give back for the help AHO has provided and help inspire youth like me.[Read More]
I am very connected with AHO and am proud to be an ambassador for them. It is an amazing program, and through AHO, I am able to see hope and opportunity for my future compared to a year ago I only doubted my future and my ability to change it.
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What I want my future to look like is now possible with AHO. I have hope and the support I need to go to school to become a medical assistant and provide for my family to be the best mother that I can be thanks to Zara and AHO. [Read More]
AHO had the Youth Connect where I got all the help I needed in one place on one day. This was the help I needed to get back on track. AHO continues help me and I am very grateful. At the Youth Connect, I realized that I wanted to help other homeless youth… [Read More]
I completed more school courses, found my own apartment and bought my own car…I’m proud of the way that things have turned out for me, but my journey is far from over. I’m going to keep moving forward, but I learned not to look back. [Read More]
Being in AHO really helped me open my eyes and helped me get on track for what I want to do with my life. With AHO support, I am planning on going to school for graphic design and then want to open my own collection of art galleries all over the United States. [Read More]
The impact on me was profound; I was six years old and never knew what it would be like to have someone so powerful in my life disappear in an instant. The whole experience has made me realize how precious time is…
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It’s been a bumpy journey, but it’s getting smoother as I grow and learn. I practice positive thinking by telling myself “I will be successful” 3 times everyday. I believe by doing this, things are more likely to go my way.
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Through these 3 life-altering events, I was now taking ownership of my life and how I viewed myself. I started making different choices. I also accepted responsibility for the consequences of those choices… [Read More]
I just found out recently that I was accepted at UC Berkeley, which is a dream come true. AHO will help me with scholarships and whatever I might need to be successful on this new path. [Read More]
Amy has been involved with the Ambassadors project for 3 1/2 years as peer mentor, Youth Ambassador of Hope, and spokesperson of her experience. She was a member of the AHO planning committee for the “Building Youth Leaders Now, and for the Future.
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I admire how she even had the drive and inspiration to start AHO to help young people like little old me, and give us a fighting chance at life. She understands that we didn’t ask for the circumstances we are in.
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With the ongoing support of an AHO life coach and community navigator, Jimmy received housing support, a cell phone, employment, legal aide, scholarships, therapy, wardrobe, healthcare, dental care… [Read More]
To me, blood is thicker than water. But living with my uncle in New York was a different situation; my brother and I had to pay to live with them. My parents worked hard to pay our rent in New York, but the currency rate… [Read More]
Johnnie was homeless for 3 years. He is now in stable housing paying rent, working, and going to College of Marin and an active member of AHO Youth Task Force team.
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