2024 Student Youth Housing Fund

2024 Student Housing Fund
Goal $60,000
The AHO Housing Fund is a unique opportunity for homeless young people ages 16 to 25 without family support, resources or hope to have financial support for temporary hotel stays and longer-term housing for a room in a home or an apartment with their peers.
AHO‘s Housing Fund provides at-risk young people the foundation and stability to continue moving forward on their personalized and educational life goals.
Click here to read Youth Housing Fund Results
Click here to read Youth Housing Fund Synopsis

- To raise $60,000 this year with monies dedicated housing support for previously homeless young adults to have the stability to reach their educational and life goals.
- To provide a hand up, not a hand out, to homeless young adults who are committed to changing their life circumstances to create a healthy and meaningful future.
- To offer financial assistance for housing support for 50 young adults in 2024.
Or send checks to:
AHO P.O. Box 2278 Mill Valley, CA 94942
AHO TAX ID #47-0950196

Without your support, homeless youth (who represent 28% of Marin’s homeless population) are 50% more likely to end up as homeless adults.

When the monies are available, the young people AHO is able to help through this Fund, are youth who are purpose-driven and committed to transforming their lives, the places they live, and the world. They are youth committed to creating a new kind of community and participate in the AHO YOUTH TEAM youth-led projects that are informed by their interests, wisdom, interconnectedness, and focused on social change and educating the community on behalf of young people who are homeless.
Marin Women’s Club donation of $3,000 to AHO
Homeless Youth Housing Fund
Juliana & Zara Speak @ Luncheon 6/12/17
I. Who can apply?
Homeless youth ages 16 to 25 served by AHO.
II. Application Process
Youth interested in housing assistance will need to complete a housing application form which will be reviewed by the AHO Board.
III. No Guaranteed Housing
There is no guarantee housing assistance will be available.
IV. How Eligibility is Determined
A. On a case-by-case basis, as funding permits, the AHO Board will determine which youth will receive assistance. When, and if, there is enough funding available, this fund can also help a youth with security deposits.
B. To receive priority eligibility, youth applying for assistance will need to have the following:
- Received at least 3 AHO resources over a period of a month or moreStayed in VERBAL communication with Zara
- Kept their agreements regarding appointments with zara & with AHO Alliance for Youth partners
- Working and/or going to school/pursuing a trade
V. Types of Housing Financial Assistance Provided
- Short-term rental assistance, medium-term rental assistance, security deposits, first and last months rent.
- Financial assistance will be paid directly to third parties, such as landlords – not directly to the youth.